The Censoring of Antiwar Voices Through Propaganda

 Antiwar voices have been censored in the United States for years and are still being censored today. The censoring of antiwar voices became prevalent during the Progressive Era, specifically during World War I. Multiple groups in the United States, including the Women's Peace Party, the American Union Against Militarism, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, and the American Friends Service Committee, protested against World War I. Although, these antiwar movements against World War I were overpowered by World War I propaganda that persuaded people to become pro-war. The propaganda consisted of posters with illustrations and words to convince Americans to fight for their country during the world war. 

One of the most iconic pieces of propaganda from World War I was created by James Montgomery Flagg. The poster consists of an image of Uncle Sam pointing to the viewer and the words "I Want You for U.S. Army" below the image. This poster was one of the most popular pieces of propaganda during the Progressive Era because Flagg made the poster personal for the viewer. Uncle Sam pointing directly at the viewer persuades the person to join the war due to Uncle Sam's personal gesture. 

World War I propaganda posters, like the iconic Uncle Sam poster, convinced people that they needed to fight in World War I in order to protect the United States from other countries. The propaganda posters also influenced United States citizens that weren't fighting in the war. The posters convinced U.S. citizens to support the U.S. army by persuading citizens to buy war savings stamps, ration food, buy liberty bonds, work on farms, buy government bonds, and more. World War I propaganda posters were so relevant during the Progressive Era because they convinced people to get involved both inside and outside of the war. 

So, why are antiwar voices censored, while pro-war voices, like propaganda aren't? The reason for this is because being pro-war symbolizes patriotism. The majority of the United States population believes that being pro-war means supporting, loving, and having pride in one's country. United States citizens often perceive antiwar people as being unpatriotic towards their country. People who are antiwar tend to be looked down upon because the majority believes that antiwar people do not support their country. The majority of U.S. citizens believe that in order to support and have pride in one's country, they must be in favor of war. 


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