Supreme Court

 I learned that the Supreme Court is the highest federal court in the United States with notable justices. The notable justices I learned about are John Marshall, Charles Evans Hughes, Earl Warren, Thurgood Marshall, Sandra Day O'Connor, and Sonia Sotomayor. John Marshall was a notable justice because he defined the relationship between the judiciary and the rest of the government. More specifically, in the Marbury vs. Madison case, Marshall acknowledged the Supreme Court's power to review and rule on the constitutionality of federal laws made by congress. Charles Evans Hughes was a notable justice because he wrote landmark opinions on the freedom of speech and press. Earl Warren was a notable justice for issuing landmark decisions for multiple Supreme Court cases, such as the Brown vs. Board of Education, Miranda vs. Arizona, and Loving vs. Virginia. Thurgood Marshall was the first African American justice, Sandra Day O'Connor was the first female justice, and Sonia Sotomayor was the first hispanic justice. Learning that there have been African Americans, women, and hispanic people in the Supreme Court shows that the court is made up of justices who can relate to minorities in the United States. Having minority justices in power shows that the Supreme Court justices are civil towards the American people. In the past, I learned about what the Supreme Court was and the significant cases of the Supreme Court. Although, I never learned about the notable justices that dealt with these cases. I was surprised to learn that the Supreme Court isn't just a group of justices who are in position to gain power, but instead, a group of people who truly care about American citizens. After learning more about the Supreme Court, my perspective of the Supreme Court significantly changed. I now understand the impact specific justices had, whether it was due to helping out a court case or becoming the first minority to rise to power in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is a powerful judicial court that consists of notable justices that significantly impacted the United States. 


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