Eight Values of Free Expression

Out of all of the Eight Values of Free Expression, the one that resonates the most with me is Individual Self-Fulfillment. Individual Self-Fulfillment, also known as Self-Actualization, is about individuals being able to express themselves and create their own identity. Individual Self-Fulfillment can lead to finding people others have a lot in common with, which could lead to lifelong friendships. Individual Self-Fulfillment resonates the most with me because I would not be the person I am today without having the freedom to create my own identity. I am able to express my hobbies, passions, culture, and fashion style, thanks to Individual Self-Fulfillment.

 Individual Self-Fulfillment reminds me of social media because we all have the freedom to express ourselves the way we want to through social media apps, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. Social media allows people to express their identity online for other people to see. A person can learn a lot about another person's identity through social media. We can learn about a person's hobbies, passions, culture, religion, fashion style, political views, and more just by looking at their social media! Social media gives us the opportunity to showcase Individual Self-Fulfillment and express our identity online. 

Another one of the Eight Values of Free Expression that resonates with me is Protect Dissent. Protect Dissent is about protecting people's views, no matter how unpopular they are. Protect Dissent gives us the freedom to disagree with the government, as well as give criticism to the government. Protect Dissent resonates with me because it gives me the opportunity to speak my mind about how I believe the United States can improve as a nation. I am allowed to express my disagreements with our government, thanks to Protect Dissent. 

Protect Dissent reminds me of politics because Protect Dissent allows people to have different political views in our society. Having the ability to talk about our political views shows others where we stand politically and gives the government insight on how the United States can become a stronger country. United States citizens have the freedom to stand by any political party, as well as vote for any candidates they want representing our country in each political election. Protect Dissent allows us to talk about our political views to people in person and on social media. Talking about our political views both in person and on social media allows us to educate each other about why and how the United States can become better as a country. 

A third value of the Eight Values of Free Expression that resonates with me is Promote Innovation. Promote Innovation explains that a community that allows for valued and protected free speech leads to a more energized, creative, and interesting society. Living in a energized, creative, and interesting society allows citizens to grow ideas off of each other and become inspired by one another. Promote Innovation resonates with me because I love being around energized, creative, and interesting people. Being around these types of people inspires me to become a better person. People that are different from me help me discover more about myself and inspire me to live a more fulfilled life. 

 Promote Innovation reminds me of friendships because friends help each other grow and become better versions of themselves. If my friends and I did not have valued and protected free speech, our friendships would be very boring because our beliefs would all be the same. The purpose of a friendship is to share some things in common, as well as have some differences, so friends can become inspired by each other's differences. Differences in a friendship allow each friend to benefit from one another because each friend has their own unique perspective on life that inspires the other friend to be the best version of themselves. Promote Innovation not only allows for a more interesting society, but also allows more friendships to flourish.


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